Board of Directors

The Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League is operated as a non-profit charity and decisions are made by an annually elected board of directors.


Mary Fran Cini

Mary Fran Cini

MaryFran has a long tenure with MAGDRL, volunteering as soon as she adopted her first Rescue Dane in 2001 and then becoming NJ Chapter Coordinator in 2003. She and her husband Ed have fostered over 100 MAGDRL Danes over the years. She was elected as MAGDRL BOD Secretary in 2006 and also served as Bite Coordinator until becoming President in March 2010. MAGDRL is truly her passion, a labor of love and she is very grateful for the wonderful friends she has made thru MAGDRL and the many Danes she has come to know and love and see go on to their forever homes.
Email the President

Vice President

Courtney Vogenitz

Courtney Vogenitz

I have been a MAGDRL volunteer for over 25 years. Serving on the BOD of Directors in the past for over 10. I started by attempting my local meet and greet to socialize my first Dane. That lead to many years of home checks, transports, numerous events.. matchmaking… you name it 🙂 Now 5 Danes and many years later I am co coordinator for the Virginia chapter and back on the BOD.
Email the Vice President


Gay Ann Wayne

Gay Ann Wayne

It all started back in November 2003 after my Rottie passed. I've always had a working breed dog and decided to go back to the Danes. I joined MAGDRL in 2003 and adopted Chiara a blue girl in March 2004. I helped Inga the NY coordinator with phone interviews, vet checks, home evaluations, transportation's, meet & greets and evaluations of Danes being surrendered. I became the NY coordinator in 2008 and was appointed to the MAGDRL BOD as Secretary in August 2012. In March 2013, I was added as the bite coordinator with MaryFran Cini.
Email the Secretary


Pat Ali

Pat Ali

Pat has been a volunteer with MAGDRL since 2006. During that time she has held many positions, including phone screener, completing home visits, transporting, fostered many Danes, and held the position of Intake Coordinator for NJ. Most recently she has held the position of Foster Coordinator and Assistant Chapter Coordinator for the NJ chapter.
Email Fundraising Director


John Warren

John Warren

John has been a MAGDRL volunteer for over twenty years. He began with transports, then came meet and greets, home visits, dog evaluations and socialization, to vet checks and phone interviews. He has served in the Match Maker role in PA as well as the Assistant Coordinator role.
Email Legislation Director

Policies & Procedures

Helen Woznak

Helen Woznak

Helen has been a dane owner since 2004 when she adopted her first senior, Gracie, from a rescue in St. Louis, MO. After moving to NJ and losing Gracie to old age in 2008, she contacted MAGDRL about adopting again. She was blessed with Cooper, a sweet boy displaced when his owner lost his home. Over a decade and 4 danes later, she volunteered to help MAGDRL with website and forms, which evolved naturally into a board position for policies and procedures. During the day, Helen is a network engineer by profession and in spare time enjoys hiking with her dogs and baking.
Email Policy & Procedures Director


Domenick Salvemini

Domenick Salvemini

Domenick has been a MAGDRL volunteer since 2011. He started out by spending time with Danes who were staying at Best Friends Pet Hotel while waiting for a foster home to become available. In the summer of 2013, he met Shilo, and decided to adopt him. Since then he has fostered, attended meet & greets, and many other activities for MAGDRL.
Email Publicity Director
Jean Padgett

Statistic & Treasurer

Jean Padgett

Jean Padgett

I have been an active volunteer with MAGDRL since early 2016, engaging in various activities such as home visits, transports, dog evaluations, and meet & greets. In addition to my work with the Great Danes, I’ve focused on enhancing our use of technology to improve engagement with MAGDRL and to empower our dedicated volunteers in leveraging these tools effectively.
Email Treasurer


Art Poltrack

Art Poltrack

Art joined MAGDRL in September 2024. After watching Maya’s video on social media, he knew it was time to give her the home she deserved. The next week, adopted Maya settled right into her new home and is now more than enjoying the good life. A retired CPA, Art spent his career working for privately owned companies and spent many years as Treasurer of the Redding Connecticut Boys and Girls Club and as Treasurer on the Redding high School Board of Education.
Email Treasurer


Joy Ewing

Joy Ewing

Joy has been a volunteer with MAGDRL since 2009. Her family adopted their first Great Dane, Ginger and soon after her family became a foster home. Joy has fostered over twenty dogs and has adopted five Great Danes. Over time she has done home visits, dog intake evaluations, hosted meet and greets and participated in transports.
Email Volunteers Director