Yellow Collar (Oogie)
Yellow Collar (Oogie) Came to MAGDRL in December 2024 (3) Fencing Required Spay / Neuter addendum required Training addendum required Yellow Collar is part of a litter born on Halloween
Purple Collar (Harley-Quinn) is part of a litter that was born on Halloween and will be ready for adoption after 8 weeks of age. Mama is a great Dane but we don’t know who the daddy is so the puppies are at least half Great Dane. Harley is just darling. She is a dainty little puppy, that is just happy to do whatever in the moment. She loves to eat, and loves to play with her little puppy toys. She loves to cuddle and be stroked. She hangs out on her foster mom’s lap and watches TV, very content. She loves to hang out with “Pinky”, as if she thinks “us girls need to stay together! “.
Yellow Collar (Oogie) Came to MAGDRL in December 2024 (3) Fencing Required Spay / Neuter addendum required Training addendum required Yellow Collar is part of a litter born on Halloween
Red Collar (Zero) Came to MAGDRL in December 2024 (3) Fencing Required Spay / Neuter addendum required Training addendum required Red Collar (Zero) is part of a litter of pups
The Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League, Inc. (MAGDRL) was organized in 1979 to serve the seven states of the Mid-Atlantic region. The organization is a DC corporation and has a charitable tax-exemption under 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.